Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pickles and the Undead

Sorry I've been gone so long, but one of the side effects of trying to remove the ligament from my left ankle is an inordinate amount of time to write. This would be fantastic in most cases, but it has meant I've not been keeping up with this blog like I should. I shouldn't complain too much, I have gotten that pesky third book of mine written and edited in the last few weeks, The Zombie's Diary should be on sale here soon in the Amazon Kindle store along with my other books.

But in other news, I've healed to the point that I need to be careful about re-injuring myself with short walks between 10-15 km with a light 15 kg pack (Oh, get over the metric, my favorite places to walk are on the Camino de Santiago in Spain where you measure things in those distances). Yeah, I hurt last week, but that's one of those things that I'll have to learn the hard way through pain and suffering. 

Although I have been buried in my own literature for the last couple of weeks, I have been practicing a few new recipes, one of which includes one of my favorite foods: the pickle. Oh, I love a good pickle: the traditional cucumber, the spicy and sweet onion, the very interesting potato, or the hot pepper. But for this recipe I was experimenting with an Asian influenced cucumber pickle that you can make very easily at home. This is a "quick pickle," which means that no cooking is required. They'll stay good for about a week or two in the fridge after you make them, but I wouldn't keep them much longer than that. 

Asian Spicy Pickles (aka, Crack in a Jar)

Cutting Board
Mason Jar (or any other easy to close container, but there's something about pickles out of a mason jar that reminds me of Granny's homemade pickles)

2 Large Cucumbers (about a foot long total)
2 tbsp salt
4 tbsp sugar (don't try to use a fake sugar, it doesn't end well)
3 tbsp seasoned rice vinegar (you don't need an expensive bottle, I found one in my local Asian market for $2.50 that tastes fantastic)
1 tbsp chili oil (my local Wally-world sells a very affordable chili oil for just over a dollar, use that if you don't want to invest in a lot of oil)
1 tbsp sesame oil

The name of the game in this recipe is cleanliness, you want to make sure since nothing is being cooked that all containers are very clean. You don't have to go out of your way to sterilize everything in boiling water, but if you are worried about food born illness, then run all of your tools through the dishwasher right before you use it. 

Most cucumbers are shipped with a thin layer of wax on the outside. Wash the cucumbers in very hot water to remove that layer of wax (which doesn't hurt you, but slows down the absorption of the brine). Dry the cucumbers off and place on the cutting board. Slice off the ends of the cucumber and then slice the cucumber in half. This will leave you two cucumbers that you can now stand on their ends. Bisect the cucumber down the middle so you see the seeds. Take your spoon and scrape out the seeds into the trashcan. 

Tip o' the day: If you don't scrape the seeds out, the pickles will get VERY soggy and won't be very good.

Place the seeded cucumbers down on the cutting board and slice the cucumber to about the size of your pinky-finger, this will leave you with cucumbers that look like the smile on a smiley face. :) Repeat with the second cucumber.

Dice and place all the ) into the strainer. Place the strainer into the sink and sprinkle the salt over the cucumbers. Mix well. Place the clean towel over the strainer and let the cucumbers drain any excess liquid for the next hour, this will allow the cucumbers to dry out slightly and suck in brine later. 

In the mason jar put all the rest of the ingredients, seal, and shake well. After the cucumbers are done draining, put them into the mason jar, seal, and shake well to cover all the pickles with the spicy brine. If you want a "hotter" pickle, just add more chili oil. Place the jar in the fridge for at least an hour, if you have a tight lid you can turn the mason jar on its side every so often to mix the ingredients. You'll notice the jar's liquid level will rise and the pickles will get smaller as they brine, this is perfectly normal and mean's you'll have a fantastic pickle.

These things are highly addictive and very cheap, so don't be surprised if you make a batch at least once a week, or eat an entire jar while watching a movie. As far as snacks go this is a very healthy alternative to a lot of the junk out there, and the tingling feeling on your lips is a happy sign that you're eating healthy. 

Bien Camino! 

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